
Open-Source Biomaterial Extruder 

The BioGun is a distributed design for a handheld extruder that offers new ways of making with biomaterials. By allowing the use of waste materials, Biogun tackles the waste stream through new and personal designs.
It democratizes making and minimizes production energy by hacking the function of existing drills, using digital fabrication tools and standard universal materials. By offering the practicality of mass-production machines into a handheld product, new forms of self-expression and creative exploration become possible.
In the biomaterial world, most attempts of creating and utilizing waste material have been resulting in a flat sheet form. Biogun provides new and fun ways of exploring biomaterial forms through an accessible yet specialist tool. 




“A handheld biomaterial extruder that can be made anywhere by anyone”


The art of designing with waste

Boundless possibilities for creative exploration and expression, through inventing and rethinking forms, analysing unusual shapes and patterns.

The craft of designing with waste

Comparing to 3D printing, Biogun is handheld and artesanal in method, meaning that authority is given to the user at every stage of the making process, allowing the design to carry identity and character by intuitively moving/ working with the material in any angle.

The craft of designing with waste

Variety of applications by adopting different techniques and exploring/developing the potential of multiple viscous waste materials in three-dimensional forms.




2022 © Markos Georgiou